Trim Your Tree with Safety!

Trim Your Tree with Safety!

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Holiday-Video-FeatureReady or not, the holiday season is here.  In addition to celebrating with family and friends, many people celebrate by decorating their homes.  However, along with this tradition comes an increase in the chance of fire.  Based on data from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the U. S. Fire Administration (USFA), approximately 240 home fires involving Christmas trees and 150 home fires involving holiday lights occur each year.  So before we go out and try to recreate Clark Griswolds lighting spectacle, lets review a few holiday safety tips.

Christmas Trees

Once ignited, a dry natural Christmas tree can become engulfed in flames in seconds, quickly spreading the fire.  If you choose a natural tree, remember:

  • Pick a fresh tree with green needles that dont fall off when touched.
  • Cut approximately 2 inches off of the base of the trunk before placing it in the stand to allow the tree to better absorb water.  Check the trees water daily and keep it watered.
  • Keep heat sources (fireplaces, furnace vents, portable heaters, candles, etc.) at least 3 feet away from the tree.
  • Never use lit candles to decorate a tree.
  • Turn off tree lights before going to bed or when you leave your home.
  • Once Christmas is over, take the tree down and dispose of it promptly.
  • Make sure you have working smoke detectors in your home.

Holiday Lights

  • Always use lights that are Underwriters Laboratories (UL) listed.  Look for the UL label.
  • Only use lights specifically designed for outdoor use when decorating outside.  Lights designed for indoor use only will not hold up to the weather.
  • Inspect old strands of lights for worn or cracked insulation, cracked sockets, exposed wires, etc.  Replace worn or damaged lights.
  • Consider using smaller mini style lights.  They burn cooler than the larger, older-style bulbs.
  • Dont overload electrical circuits.  Typically no more than three strands of lights should be connected to each other.  Follow the directions on the packaging.

You may also view our video Holiday Safety Tips for these tips and more. Give the gift of safety this holiday season! Please feel free to share any additional holiday safety tips here.

6:52 How to Decorate / Trim your Christmas Tree DIY Holiday decorating Shabby Chic Farmhouse Rustic by Jc frias 2,437 views; Chainsaw Safety, ,The first thing you must identify before you trim a tree is why you are to help the health of the tree, to ensure the safety of those around the tree that may ,State Compensation Insurance Fund: Tree Trimming Safety. Top Related Searches. The first thing you must identify before you trim a tree is why you are trimming it.,How to Trim your Trees. Every time you will trim the tree, spray. you've got to have your safety zone at all times.,When to Trim Oak Trees?. When trimming an oak tree, or Quercus, you must choose the appropriate time. You prune an oak tree to sustain its health, provide a safe ,When You Trim Your Christmas Tree Bing Crosby. Dall'album At Christmas. 5 ottobre 2013 Recensisci per primo questo articolo Prezzo:,2009-2010 Tree Trimming Safety Page 4 Group Problems with the class. Problem #1 You are cutting down a large tree. The tree begins to fall, but it stops when it gets,There are certain situations where you should not attempt to trim your trees. If the tree is near an object that could be damaged if it came down in an unplanned ,Trees can provide comfortable shade in the summer months, but when the weather turns severe these same branches can wreak havoc on your property.,Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

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DisasterSafety - Trim your risk of tree damage
Trees can provide comfortable shade in the summer months, but when the weather turns severe these same branches can wreak havoc on your property.

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There are certain situations where you should not attempt to trim your trees. If the tree is near an object that could be damaged if it came down in an unplanned

Tree Trimming Safety - Occupational Safety and Health ...
2009-2010 Tree Trimming Safety Page 4 Group Problems with the class. Problem #1 You are cutting down a large tree. The tree begins to fall, but it stops when it gets

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When You Trim Your Christmas Tree Bing Crosby. Dall'album At Christmas. 5 ottobre 2013 Recensisci per primo questo articolo Prezzo:

When to Trim Oak Trees? - eHow | How to Videos, Articles ...
When to Trim Oak Trees?. When trimming an oak tree, or Quercus, you must choose the appropriate time. You prune an oak tree to sustain its health, provide a safe

Video: How to Trim your Trees | eHow
How to Trim your Trees. Every time you will trim the tree, spray. you've got to have your safety zone at all times.

How to Safely Trim Trees - - What's Your Question?
State Compensation Insurance Fund: Tree Trimming Safety. Top Related Searches. The first thing you must identify before you trim a tree is why you are trimming it.

How to Trim Trees - - - What's Your Question?
The first thing you must identify before you trim a tree is why you are to help the health of the tree, to ensure the safety of those around the tree that may

Trim the tree - YouTube
6:52 How to Decorate / Trim your Christmas Tree DIY Holiday decorating Shabby Chic Farmhouse Rustic by Jc frias 2,437 views; Chainsaw Safety,

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