Refresh Your Memory on Rules of the Road

Refresh Your Memory on Rules of the Road

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24258879We all like to think were safe drivers, right?  Obeying the speed limit, wearing our seatbelt, and keeping our eyes on the road are safe driving habits we should all practice.  But what about the actual driving laws in your state?  Im sure most of us havent reviewed some form of those since completing our drivers education class and passing the states written exam.  How long ago was that for you?  For me, its approaching 20 years ago!

Without a refresher course or periodic review of a drivers handbook, it can be easy to forget or simply overlook important rules of the road.  Most states offer easy online access to their traffic laws and safety tips.  You can test your driver safety knowledge by taking one of the state-specific DMV Practice Tests.  These free motor vehicle practice tests cover rules and regulations from several state agencys including the Department of Motor Vehicles, Registry of Motor Vehicles, and Department of Transportation, to name a few.

No matter which state you live in, here are some quick refresher tips courtesy of the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles and Department of Public Safety websites:

  • If your car begins to hydroplane, reduce your speed and let the car decelerate.  Dont slam on your brakes.
  • Roadways can become more hazardous to drivers the first rain after a dry spell.
  • When parking on a downhill slope you should turn the steering wheel to the right and apply the parking brake.
  • Slow down and safely pull to the edge of the roadway for all emergency vehicles and funeral processions.
  • Turn your lights on during any period of rain, snow, fog or other unfavorable atmospheric conditionsregardless of the time of day.  Rule of thumb your headlights should be on any time you are using your windshield wipers.
  • Bridges and overpasses hold frost and ice sooner and longer.
  • If your vehicle does go into a skid, take your foot off the accelerator and turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid.  Never apply the brakes while skidding.
  • If a tire blows out, keep your foot off the accelerator and let the vehicle coast until it stops.  When the blowout is a rear tire, sudden application to the brakes could cause you to fish-tail.

No matter if you received your license yesterday, or 20 years ago (like me), its always good practice to review your states traffic laws periodically to assure you travel safely. Plus, some insurance companies offer discounts for completing an accident prevention course.  Check with your insurance agent to see if your insurer offers a discount.

Do you have any other safety tips youd like to share?

The road rules refresher can help make you aware of gaps or misunderstandings in your road rules on this page to refresh your basic road rules knowledge ,Refresh memory of the is to ride well clear of a line of parked cars unless you are going particular care in the presence of vulnerable road ,Teens preparing for the driver license test know these answers. Older drivers may have forgotten. Daily questions that you once knew are posted to refresh your memory ,Refresh Your Driving Skills. AARP offers driver safety courses to help you learn the current rules of the road, Memory / Dementia Care,We can help you refresh your memory with a quick lesson on safety and a but you can sure control that you use all the safety rules of the road correctly and at , can keep you safe on the road and may traffic rules. Refresh your memory by browsing a Department of Motor Vehicles pamphlet detailing the rules of the road.,Refresh your road rules if youve forgotten many of the road rules you learnt for your safety rules you need to refresh your memory ,There are rules for the road that people often forget.Time to refresh your memory for anyone who drives a vehicle and deals with school buses on the road ,NEWS / VIEWS Need to Refresh Your Memory on the Rules of the Road?,Thanks for visiting our site and providing us your feedback! Glad you found the information helpful!

Refresh Your Memory on Rules of the Road | Central ...
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Need to Refresh Your Memory on the Rules of the Road?
NEWS / VIEWS Need to Refresh Your Memory on the Rules of the Road?

There are rules for the road that people often forget.Time ...
There are rules for the road that people often forget.Time to refresh your memory for anyone who drives a vehicle and deals with school buses on the road

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Refresh your road rules if youve forgotten many of the road rules you learnt for your safety rules you need to refresh your memory

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can keep you safe on the road and may traffic rules. Refresh your memory by browsing a Department of Motor Vehicles pamphlet detailing the rules of the road.

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We can help you refresh your memory with a quick lesson on safety and a but you can sure control that you use all the safety rules of the road correctly and at

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Refresh Your Driving Skills. AARP offers driver safety courses to help you learn the current rules of the road, Memory / Dementia Care

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Teens preparing for the driver license test know these answers. Older drivers may have forgotten. Daily questions that you once knew are posted to refresh your memory

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Refresh memory of the is to ride well clear of a line of parked cars unless you are going particular care in the presence of vulnerable road

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The road rules refresher can help make you aware of gaps or misunderstandings in your road rules on this page to refresh your basic road rules knowledge

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