Is There An App For That?

Is There An App For That?

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So you just bought the iPhone 5 and are enjoying the endless conveniences and fun that come with a smartphone.

If youre like most people, your mobile device goes where you go.  And a device that goes everywhere you go is sure to be dropped, spilled on, left behind, or maybe even stolen.  Is there an App to protect you and your phone?

With an iPhone, you can download the Find My iPhone app. It will locate your phone if its missing or stolen, and remotely erase all of your personal data on the phone.  Pretty slick!

But what if you cant find your phone or it gets broken? Many cell phone retailers and providers offer protection plans for phones and devices as well. Check with your service provider to see whats available.

You may also have a level of protection through your personal insurance. Under the standard homeowners policy, a smartphone or tablet is considered personal property and falls under the limits, perils and exclusions of Coverage C. While this sounds great, remember that a covered loss would be subject to the policy deductible.  If you carry a higher deductible, say $500 or more, the value of your smartphone or tablet may not exceed your deductible, which means youre left paying for the phone out of your own pocket.

For an additional premium, you may be able to schedule your smartphone or tablet on an inland marine policy.  This offers more coverage, typically without a deductible.

Unfortunately, the standard personal auto policy doesnt cover equipment that receives or transmits audio, visual or data signals such as DVD players, GPS or navigational systems, and (you guessed it) smartphones and other electronics not necessary for the normal operation of the auto or monitoring of the autos operating system.

Before breaking in your new iPhone 5, be sure you have the right coverage to fit your needs.  Your independent agent can help you review your current coverage and determine if additional protection is needed. How do you protect your mobile device?

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Quit It App (link App Store) è un nuova applicazione tutta italiana che serve a smettere di. Con un curioso sistema basato sulla gamification

Theres an app for that - iPhone Italia Blog
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