Fire in Apartment 2B? Check The Stove!

Fire in Apartment 2B? Check The Stove!

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Kitchen-Fire-linkThe lead story on todays local evening news covered another in a recent string of apartment fires in the San Antonio, Texas area.  As I listened to interviews with apartment residents whose lives had been impacted in a sudden, terrible way, I was struck by the notion that apartment fires are occurring with increasing frequency.  It seems as though we see a major apartment fire on the news every couple of weeks.  On a national scale, however, the data show that apartment fires are less numerous than in the past.

Data collected by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) from 1980 to 2011 shows that apartment structure fires in the U.S. reached a low of 84,500 in 2000, compared to 143,500 in 1980.  From 2001 through 2010 the numbers varied between 88,000 and 98,500.  There were 95,500 such fires in 2011.  Thankfully, fatalities have gradually decreased as well.  The death toll in 1980 was 1,025 compared to 415 in 2011.

Cooking is the cause of nearly 50 percent of fires in apartments, just as it is in one and two-family dwellings.  Arson ranks a distant second, at about 10 percent.  Other leading causes are smoking, open flames (including candles) and faulty appliances.  Most fires (more than 90 percent) are confined to the pan, fryer, or other cooking vessel and cause very little damage.  The 5 or 6 percent of unconfined fires account for nearly all of the property loss.  Statistics from the U.S. Fire Administration show that about half of the unconfined fires involve grease, oil, or animal fat and about three quarters of all fires start on a range or stove.  The most common causal factor for these fires, by far, is unattended cooking equipment.

Whether you live in an apartment, a duplex or a single family dwelling, you should be aware of the risks related to cooking, paying close attention to items on the cooktop.  Make sure that the smoke detectors in your living unit are operational by testing them periodically and changing the batteries at least twice a year.  Mount a multipurpose fire extinguisher (rated for A, B and C-type fires)  in a visible and accessible location that is not too close to the stove.  Finally, protect yourself financially by carrying homeowners or renters insurance.  Talk to your independent agent about the policy thats best for you. Taking these precautions  can help safeguard the lives, property and resources not only of your family, but also of your neighbors.

Do not leave cooking unattended on the stove. A serious fire can start in Regularly check dryer exhaust vent hoses behind Apartment Fire Safety Fact Sheet,Most Hayes Properties apartments are outfitted with a Never leave your stove or oven unattended Everyone says to check your smoke ,We will spare the really embarrassing story of calling the fire department when we thought Every apartment we've ever I check the stove knobs, double ,Buddy Check 11; Real Men Wear Metro Atlanta Lowe's stores will have the Stove Top Fire Stop Chuck Schmidt credits a Stove Top Fire Stop for saving ,Lucent Blvd is the second Shea Denver apartment stove. Other safety steps include: Check food the stove. Keep anything that can catch fire ,Follow these eight tips to reduce your risks for an apartment kitchen fire. 1. Check food regularly, If a small fire does erupt on your stove top, ,Stove fire injures two at apartment. firefighters put out the stove fire with an extinguisher. FACT CHECK See inaccurate information in this story?,Check back often as this site will be make a kid-free zone around your stove, The Orange County Safe Apartment's Cooking Fire video is online ,Use our New Apartment Checklist as you tour sprinklers, carbon monoxide detectors and/or fire extinguishers; Secure windows; Apartment Amenities and stove ,The lead story on todays local evening news covered another in a recent string of apartment fires in the San Antonio, Texas area. As I listened to interviews with

Fire in Apartment 2B? Check The Stove! | Central Insurance ...
The lead story on todays local evening news covered another in a recent string of apartment fires in the San Antonio, Texas area. As I listened to interviews with

New Apartment Checklist |
Use our New Apartment Checklist as you tour sprinklers, carbon monoxide detectors and/or fire extinguishers; Secure windows; Apartment Amenities and stove

Cook With Fire | Facebook
Check back often as this site will be make a kid-free zone around your stove, The Orange County Safe Apartment's Cooking Fire video is online

Stove fire injures two at apartment - Columbia Daily ...
Stove fire injures two at apartment. firefighters put out the stove fire with an extinguisher. FACT CHECK See inaccurate information in this story?

8 Tips to Prevent Kitchen Fires |
Follow these eight tips to reduce your risks for an apartment kitchen fire. 1. Check food regularly, If a small fire does erupt on your stove top,

Lucent Blvd Apartments - Highlands Ranch, CO - Apartment ...
Lucent Blvd is the second Shea Denver apartment stove. Other safety steps include: Check food the stove. Keep anything that can catch fire

Cooking fires: do you know what to do? |
Buddy Check 11; Real Men Wear Metro Atlanta Lowe's stores will have the Stove Top Fire Stop Chuck Schmidt credits a Stove Top Fire Stop for saving

How To: Remember If You've Turned the Stove Off And Keep ...
We will spare the really embarrassing story of calling the fire department when we thought Every apartment we've ever I check the stove knobs, double

ApartmentSailor: Check Your Smoke & CO Detectors
Most Hayes Properties apartments are outfitted with a Never leave your stove or oven unattended Everyone says to check your smoke

- 1 - FIRE SAFETY HANDBOOK - Home Page - The ...
Do not leave cooking unattended on the stove. A serious fire can start in Regularly check dryer exhaust vent hoses behind Apartment Fire Safety Fact Sheet

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