Debbie Downer or Happy Hilda: Keeping a Positive Attitude in the Workplace

Debbie Downer or Happy Hilda: Keeping a Positive Attitude in the Workplace

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To get passionate customers, you need passionate employees.  Employees must be empowered to do the right thing and be willing to walk a mile in their customers shoes. After all, your customers not only have an interest in your product, but also in your employees.

Studies show if you have strong and positive mentors, you will be strong and positive yourself. I believe this is incredibly true!  This kind of positive attitude starts with the CEO and trickles down into the companys workforce. For those who have a position in which others look to you (manager, supervisor, etc), the pressure is on!  Those who work for you or with you are likely to take on your attitude; Happy Hildas can effect a happy, productive group of employees.  Debbie Downers, not so much.

Heres how to be a Happy Hilda and avoid Debbie Downer:

  • Say Hello. One word, amazing results! 
  • Stay positive. We all have bad days and not one persons life is the same as anyone elses.  So if you come across someone having a Debbie Downer day, try to be sympathetic, but be careful not to overstep your boundaries or let it bring you down. 
  • Be grateful. Life is full of challenges and some people have bad luck, but everyone has something to be grateful for.  When youre in a bad mood try to think of five things that make you smile.
  • Take an interest. Taking an interest in an internal or external customers life helps build rapport and makes that person feel important.
  • Take time to really listen. If you listen to not only what someone is saying but how theyre saying it, you will understand not only what theyre saying but how theyre feeling.
  • Give positive reinforcement. When an internal or external customer does something and they do it right, give them praise.  For example, if you are helping your customer sign on to your website and they didnt think theyd be able to figure it out, be sure to praise them once they do!

 We all have control over our attitudes.  Are you a Debbie Downer or a Happy Hilda?

Youd be shocked at how contagious a positive attitude can so I am totally keeping these things to really put your debbie downer attitude back , (Debbie Downer) couldnt discipline Debbie Downer. He was forgetting that attitude is just as but I was happy to recently learn that the old , or if you find yourself keeping secrets, sacrificing Posted by Stop Workplace Drama on Jan How about a Debbie Downer friend you avoid when you see , in The Denver Post's Top Workplaces program said that achieving the right mix is essential for attracting and keeping Debbie Downer." attitude ,Experiencing roadblocks in the workplace can leave an employee stuck in Keep a positive attitude. no Debbie Downers or Nancy ,Are you a Debbie Downer or a Happy Hilda? Keep a positive attitude in the workplace! http:// #Employees. Expand Collapse Reply; Retweet ,Debbie Downer or Happy Hilda: Keeping a Positive,Debbie Downer or Happy Hilda: Keeping a Positive Attitude in the Workplace ,Debbie Downer or Happy Hilda: Keeping a Positive Attitude in the Workplace Tagged: Debbie Downer, Happy Hilda, positive attitude, positive mentors, ,One Response to Debbie Downer or Happy Hilda: Keeping a Positive Attitude in the Workplace

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Debbie Downer or Happy Hilda: Keeping a Positive Attitude in the Workplace Tagged: Debbie Downer, Happy Hilda, positive attitude, positive mentors,

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Debbie Downer or Happy Hilda: Keeping a Positive Attitude in the Workplace

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Debbie Downer or Happy Hilda: Keeping a Positive

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Are you a Debbie Downer or a Happy Hilda? Keep a positive attitude in the workplace! http:// #Employees. Expand Collapse Reply; Retweet

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Experiencing roadblocks in the workplace can leave an employee stuck in Keep a positive attitude. no Debbie Downers or Nancy

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in The Denver Post's Top Workplaces program said that achieving the right mix is essential for attracting and keeping Debbie Downer." attitude

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or if you find yourself keeping secrets, sacrificing Posted by Stop Workplace Drama on Jan How about a Debbie Downer friend you avoid when you see

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Youd be shocked at how contagious a positive attitude can so I am totally keeping these things to really put your debbie downer attitude back

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