Bust that Bad Mood!
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Some days you wake up to a beautiful day with a smile on your face, then something goes wrong and instantly your mood changes. Or sometimes you wake up in a dark, dreary mood and simply do not want to get out of bed. Regardless of what put you in this bad mood, you need to get it out of your system so things can start looking brighter. I know weve all had these days so I thought Id find some tips on how to move that bad mood out the door and welcome the sunshine!
- Youve Got to Move it, Move it exercise can boost your mood by relieving tension, raising energy and increasing optimism.
- Treat Yourself hot bubble bath, warm cup of hot chocolate or coffee, homemade facial, little gift from the storethe littlest things could give you the boost you need.
- Say Cheese surround yourself with photographs of people and things you love. I have many pictures displayed at work, in my home, on my phone, etc. These arent just for showing off my adorable nieces and nephews or my amazing family and friends, theyre also for lifting my spirits. One look at them and I instantly feel my facial muscles pushing out a smile!
- Sniff certain scents inhaling the scent of orange or lavender can reduce anxiety and improve your mood.
- Go somewhere quiet even if its just the office bathroom, taking a few minutes to sit in a quiet space can do wonders.
- Get some sun a boost of vitamin D can keep the blues away. Head outside for a brisk walk around the block. If thats not possible, station yourself near a window for a few minutes (and ignore stares from co-workers).
- Do some yoga a few hip openers might be the answer to a brighter day. Think its impossible to do yoga in a cubicle or other small work space? Think again.
- Laugh theres no possible way you can have the giggles and still be in a bad mood.
- My favoriteJam to the Beat when I need a little pick-me-up I crank up the tunes and sing (if you can call it that) at the top of my lungs!
Moods are contagious, so do yourself and those around you a favor and make your mood positive and upbeat! There are so many other ways you can bust that bad mood. Whats your secret?
Bust that bad mood. Feeling blue? We have the tricks to boost your happiness level 1:54AM, Mar 12,Every runner has experienced lows with the sport, and though he runs at the highest levels of the sport, Ryan Hall is no different. Sometimes your biggest ,Refinery29 offers up five ways to bust out of your bad mood.,Joy to the girl If she's the one bummed out these days about a tough job scenario or just the weather, lifting her mood can do you both a world of good.,Bust that Bad Mood! Posted on February 22, 2013 Updated on February 22, 2013. Some days you wake up to a beautiful day with a smile on your face, then something goes ,For the study scientists asked participants how they would like to order hypothetical good and bad events. For instance, if you had to lose a $250 gift ,12 tips to bust a bad mood Bummed out? Before you start popping pills, try hitting the sack Below: x Jump to discuss comments below,Woke up on the wrong side of the bed? Psychologists suggest a simple fix.,Bad days happen. A bombed job interview, a broken coffee machine (when you really need coffee), stepping in dog poop on the way to a date its growing ,Potrai iniziare a leggere How to Bust A Bad Mood - 15 Tricks sul tuo Kindle tra meno di un minuto. Non possiedi un Kindle? Scopri Kindle Oppure inizia subito a
How to Bust A Bad Mood - 15 Tricks eBook: Bunpar: Amazon ...
Potrai iniziare a leggere How to Bust A Bad Mood - 15 Tricks sul tuo Kindle tra meno di un minuto. Non possiedi un Kindle? Scopri Kindle Oppure inizia subito a
34 Ways to Bust a Bad Mood in Ten Minutes or Less | Greatist
Bad days happen. A bombed job interview, a broken coffee machine (when you really need coffee), stepping in dog poop on the way to a date its growing
How to Bust a Bad Mood | Inc.com
Woke up on the wrong side of the bed? Psychologists suggest a simple fix.
12 tips to bust a bad mood - Health - Mental health | NBC News
12 tips to bust a bad mood Bummed out? Before you start popping pills, try hitting the sack Below: x Jump to discuss comments below
How to Bust a Bad Mood - for a Better Life
For the study scientists asked participants how they would like to order hypothetical good and bad events. For instance, if you had to lose a $250 gift
Bust that Bad Mood! « Central Insurance Companies
Bust that Bad Mood! Posted on February 22, 2013 Updated on February 22, 2013. Some days you wake up to a beautiful day with a smile on your face, then something goes
Bust a bad mood : Cover Stories - MensHealth
Joy to the girl If she's the one bummed out these days about a tough job scenario or just the weather, lifting her mood can do you both a world of good.
How To Get Out Of A Bad Mood - Ways To Be Happier - Refinery29
Refinery29 offers up five ways to bust out of your bad mood.
Ryan Hall: How to Bust a Bad Mood - Nissan Innovation for ...
Every runner has experienced lows with the sport, and though he runs at the highest levels of the sport, Ryan Hall is no different. Sometimes your biggest
Bust that bad mood :: Cosmopolitan
Bust that bad mood. Feeling blue? We have the tricks to boost your happiness level 1:54AM, Mar 12
Potrai iniziare a leggere How to Bust A Bad Mood - 15 Tricks sul tuo Kindle tra meno di un minuto. Non possiedi un Kindle? Scopri Kindle Oppure inizia subito a
34 Ways to Bust a Bad Mood in Ten Minutes or Less | Greatist
Bad days happen. A bombed job interview, a broken coffee machine (when you really need coffee), stepping in dog poop on the way to a date its growing
How to Bust a Bad Mood | Inc.com
Woke up on the wrong side of the bed? Psychologists suggest a simple fix.
12 tips to bust a bad mood - Health - Mental health | NBC News
12 tips to bust a bad mood Bummed out? Before you start popping pills, try hitting the sack Below: x Jump to discuss comments below
How to Bust a Bad Mood - for a Better Life
For the study scientists asked participants how they would like to order hypothetical good and bad events. For instance, if you had to lose a $250 gift
Bust that Bad Mood! « Central Insurance Companies
Bust that Bad Mood! Posted on February 22, 2013 Updated on February 22, 2013. Some days you wake up to a beautiful day with a smile on your face, then something goes
Bust a bad mood : Cover Stories - MensHealth
Joy to the girl If she's the one bummed out these days about a tough job scenario or just the weather, lifting her mood can do you both a world of good.
How To Get Out Of A Bad Mood - Ways To Be Happier - Refinery29
Refinery29 offers up five ways to bust out of your bad mood.
Ryan Hall: How to Bust a Bad Mood - Nissan Innovation for ...
Every runner has experienced lows with the sport, and though he runs at the highest levels of the sport, Ryan Hall is no different. Sometimes your biggest
Bust that bad mood :: Cosmopolitan
Bust that bad mood. Feeling blue? We have the tricks to boost your happiness level 1:54AM, Mar 12