Happy Admin Professionals Day!! Administrative Professionals work hard and do extraordinary things to make our work lives better. But what about when they or other staff members make a mistake? Everyone makes mistakes. When your mistake negatively impacts your customer forgiveness may be hard to find. Professional Liability/Errors & Omissions coverage can protect you if you are sued by clients or third parties who claim to have suffered economic damages because of mistakes or omissions by you or your employees. General Liability policies do not provide coverage for Professional Liability claims unless they are specifically endorsed and not all businesses can obtain coverage this way. A separate Professional Liability/ Errors & Omission policy may be the answer. While everyone may think of certain professions, Architects, Doctors, Lawyers, CPAs, Real Estate Agents, when they think of Professional Liability coverage the fact is most businesses have a need for this coverage. Some of the common businesses we write Professional Liability/ Errors & Omission coverage for are: Animal Groomers, Alarm Installers, Bookkeepers, Call Centers, Courier Services, Counseling Services, Contractors, Employment Agencies, Hairstylists/Barbers, Management Consultants, Printers, Fitness Instructors, and many more… If your clients depend on your expert advice or service you need this coverage. Defense expenses alone run into the tens of thousands of dollars. Call TCIS-The Complete Insurance Source today to find out if your business qualifies for this valuable coverage.770-371-8247
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To Err is human.....
To Err is human.....
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