Protect Your Pricey Presents this Christmas!

Protect Your Pricey Presents this Christmas!

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Looking to buy an expensive piece of jewelry for your loved one this Christmas? Some diamond earrings, a Rolex watch, or even the long-awaited engagement ring? When youre wrapping up this high value gift, make sure youre wrapping it in the right insurance coverage as well!

The standard homeowners policy may not have the right amount of coverage for these types of high value items, which could leave you on the hook for a large portion of the cost to replace them.  While a homeowners policy will cover your personal belongings in the event they are damaged or destroyed by a covered loss, there are instances when coverage will be capped at a particular limit, leaving you paying out-of-pocket for anything over that amount. For instance, many home insurance policies cap theft of jewelry coverage (among other items) at a certain amount to help assure honesty, but can be also work against you if you are not careful.

There are ways to insure high value items that will prevent this type of situation.  Jewelry, fine arts, musical instruments, and much more can be scheduled on a personal property policy, expanding the coverage for these items under a typical homeowners policy.  When you schedule an item, you insure it at an appraised amount or the amount on the bill of sale. This schedule is attached to your home policy. Then, if one of the scheduled items is stolen or damaged, instead of the carrier paying you for the loss up to a certain limit, you would have coverage up to the scheduled amount for that item. Not only does scheduling items eliminate caps on your coverage, but it expands coverage beyond what a homeowners policy would cover.

For instance, if a diamond were to crack, or you were to misplace it then you could file a claim to have the item repaired or replaced. for a covered claim the carrier will pay up to the limit listed on the policy schedule for the missing or damaged item.

Many carriers require an appraisal for any item over a certain value in order for it to be covered on a scheduled personal property policy. These appraisals should be updated every three years or so to ensure the values listed on the policy are kept current. Contact your agent for more information about this type of coverage.

The coverages described here are in the most general terms and are subject to the actual policy conditions and exclusions. For actual coverage language, conditions or exclusions, please refer to the policy or contact your agent.


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Protect Your Pricey Presents this Christmas! | Central ...
Insuring your Christmas presents are definitely a smart decision to make. Thank you for providing the reasons why everyone should. Like Like this

Consider Protecting Your Pricey Christmas Purchases ...
Protect Your Pricey Presents this Christmas! The very timely information that follows is courtesy of Central Insurance Company and could save you some serious

Pester power paves way for pricey presents this Christmas
Pester power paves way for pricey presents this Christmas £36 million of presents make for burglar paradise WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP PROTECT YOUR HOME

Protect your presents this Christmas (From Campaign Series)
Protect your presents this Christmas. 4:30pm Friday 24th December 2010 in News. GWENT Police and Gio Compario are reminding residents to protect their

Protect your presents | Money | The Observer
Protect your presents. 9 December 2006; Christmas is all you have come into possession of any pricey goods, you may need to alter your

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Protect your presents this Christmas . When you leave your house unattended make sure you lock all of the windows and doors,

Protect your presents at Christmas | News
Protect your presents at Christmas. accumulate piles of shiny new presents. Christmas is a peak extra insurance to cover your Christmas

Protect Your New Christmas Presents! - Paperblog
Protect Your New Christmas Presents! By Lpbarton. As a parent, you naturally want to protect your family from harm.

Protect your Christmas presents | Meridian - ITV News
Protect your Christmas presents Leaving the boxes from your Christmas presents next to your bins tells criminals what lovely new valuables you

Aylesbury Vale District Council Protect your presents ...
Protect your presents this Christmas Archived press do but because at this time of year thieves take advantage of any opportunity to steal Christmas presents.

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