Budgeting Apps That Make Cents

Budgeting Apps That Make Cents

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iStock_000021269599SmallThis past year I purchased my very own home! As exciting as it is, being a homeowner brings A LOT of change! I didnt have a maintenance man I could rely on to fix my dryer (luckily my dad lives here in town!), I had to handle mowing my yard, and with this weather Im shoveling my driveway more than I expected. Another big change were the bills associated with the maintenance of a home, especially in this cold, frigid weather. My gas bill is much higher for my home than my small, quaint apartment.

It can be difficult to track all your bills (college loans, cell phone, cable, car payment, shopping habit, etc.) and categorize your spending for each of these areas. However, theres a lot of benefits to tracking your spending, especially if you are trying to save money.  Its very eye-opening to see where your money goes! There are numerous personal finance mobile apps available to help individuals budget and track their money. Here are some financial apps that you may find beneficial:


This app allows you to track and categorize your spending, pay bills, and check your balances. You also have the option to receive low account balance notifications and set up reminders for upcoming bill payments. This free app is available for both Android and iOS platforms.


Check has an app for Android, iOS, and Blackberry, and its free. Who doesnt love free stuff?! Check will send you reminders when your bills are due and gives you a way to pay them. The app will also allow you to monitor your cash level and credit card debt.


Expensify is a free app that allows you to scan all your receipts and track what youre spending. You can even generate expense reports. This is extremely handy for all those business travelers out there! Available for Android, iOS, and Blackberry.

Are you currently using a finance mobile app? If so, which one?

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Budgeting Apps That Make Cents | Central Insurance Companies
This past year I purchased my very own home! As exciting as it is, being a homeowner brings A LOT of change! I didnt have a maintenance man I could rely on to fix

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Budget software has become popular for both business and personal budgets. With the ability to download apps for budgeting on smartphones, even more people

Budget Apps Make Cents
Budget Apps Make Cents The apps can help you keep track of how your business is doing. You can scan invoices and receipts to make tax time easier

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MAKE$.CENTS Envelope Budgeting Software also featuring combined registers for better credit card management. Reconcile Checking, Credit Cards, and Other Accounts.

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MAKE$.CENTS Envelope Budgeting Software also featuring combined registers for better credit card management. Reconcile Checking, Credit Cards, and Other Accounts.

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Posts about budget planner app written by She Makes Cents. she Saving & Budgeting; Spending Cents; STYLE She Makes Cents was created to help transform

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Description MAKE$.CENTS Envelope Budgeting Software also features combined registers for better credit card management. Reconcile Checking, Credit Cards

Budgeting Apps That Make Cents Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: bombig dose