- Insurer rating: The A. M. Best rating of your insurer is an indication of just how financially stable that insurer is. This is an important factor to evaluate since it directly speaks to whether you can trust your insurer to pay claims if, or when, you need them. The better (or higher) the rating, the more financially stable the company is.
- Limits: Lower limits can translate into lower insurance premiums, so when comparing auto insurance rates make sure that you are comparing limits between policies. If not, you might follow the lure of the premium while setting yourself up for disappointment when a claim actually needs to be paid.
Read more on what to measure when evaluating Miami car insurance quotes or give us a call at 305-270-2100. Together we can look past the premium dollar amount to the actual value of one policy over another so that you know you get the best fit for you.
At Filer Insurance, Inc., we have been serving Miami and South Florida since 1919. We specialize in miami car insurance as well as miami home insurance, miami life insurance and miami business insurance. Please give us a call, visit our website or come by our office for a free Miami car insurance quote.