Halloween Safe Driving Tips!

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According to Safe Kids USA, children are twice as likely to be killed
by a vehicle on Halloween compared to other days of the year. Your
customers will have to navigate roads crowded with children in the dark.
Help your customers keep trick-or-treaters safe by sharing these
Halloween safe-driving tips on your website, in your email campaigns or
in your social networking.

Halloween Safe-Driving Tips

According to Safe Kids USA, children are twice as likely to be killed
by a vehicle on Halloween compared to other days of the year. Take extra
caution behind the wheel on Halloween and use the following driving tips
to keep trick-or-treaters safe.

* YIELD TO TRICK-OR-TREATERS: Be prepared for children to run into
the street at anytime.
* REFRAIN FROM PASSING IDLE VEHICLES: You never know when the driver
in front of you has stopped to drop children off. Be patient and take
extra caution when traveling near other vehicles. 
* PARK YOUR MOBILE PHONE: With children crowding the dark roads, it
is especially important to avoid any distractions while behind the
* COMMUNICATE WITH OTHER DRIVERS: Use hazard lights when picking-up
or dropping-off trick-or-treaters. And, always use turn signals. 
* CONSIDER ALTERNATE ROUTES: Avoid driving near trick-or-treaters by
taking routes that go around busy neighborhoods, not through them.

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