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CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- The next time you file a claim for a cracked windshield, it could result in your auto insurance being canceled.
A State Farm customer for several years, Charles Stanford said his car insurance cancellation notice came out of the blue."I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would be dropped for something like that. It doesn't make sense to me,” Stanford said.He said the reason State Farm dropped coverage was a cracked windshield, which actually happened twice in the same month.He said the windshield replacement company chosen by State Farm replaced the glass both times.Stanford said the minor incidents were not his fault and his driving record is clean."(I) don’t have any speeding tickets, no parking tickets, no accidents.
I have absolutely nothing. Why in the world would you cancel me?" he said.Action 9 talked with insurance experts who said it’s rare for most companies to cancel coverage over cracked windshields.These cases, when compared to most minor fender benders, are a modest cost and a freak event and the driver should not responsible."Normally in a case like this they would raise your premium. That woulseem the logical thing to do, but here they've gone to the extreme and dropped them as a client," one expert said.Our sister station in Orlando, WFTV,contacted State Farm, which said “whether a driver is at fault is not the reason for some cancellations.”The company said its underwriting policy includes not renewing customers who have frequent claims within the same year and a family car had a cracked windshield in 2009.
According to Stanford, other companies have offered coverage, some at higher premiums. But no one turned him down over cracked windshield claims."If this is a common thing, the public needs to know about it," Stanford said.