Writing Markets for Writers

Markets are tightening their belts and my old standbys are not quite such standbys any more. Yet most still accept submissions, they're just pickier these days. Here are two of my favorites that you may be interested in trying. 

Their pay is low, unless you think of it as an hourly wage. If it takes you an hour to write an article of 500 words about writing, then it is good money, excellent money! They are also easy to work with and seem apologetic when they must say no.

  • Funds for Writers a web, blog and newsletters maintained by Hope Clark not only provide good information and markets for writers, it also offers a contest and accepts submissions for articles pertaining to writing. She pays $35 for about 500 words and is looking for something 'how to' that helps writers find success in various markets. She seems to focus more on nonfiction, essays and screen writing. She recently rejected my submission with the advice that she will write the inspirational essays. 
  • Writers Weekly a newsletter associated with Booklocker and run by Angela Hoy requests similar articles as Funds for Writers and pays a bit better. The last time I wrote for her it was $50. Here are a few examples of titles recently published.

    Sometimes my quickest and best sales have resulted from simply reading a few issues of a publication and thinking, "They need an article about...." Then writing it. 

    Both of these women show that they support writers while also getting a bit of money from us, but their hearts are definitely in the right place. Writers Weekly newsletter is free. Funds for Writers offers a free and a paid newsletter. But even the 'paid subscription' is minimal. I recommend both sites for your reading pleasure and as a writing market. 

    Today, in all honesty, I will be rewriting that article I wrote about earlier in which I had such fun researching it. Apparently the editor at Suite 101 did not find it quite so fabulous and thinks it should be two separate articles, etc. etc. If anyone would care to read the article, Lawsuits Hover Around North Face Inc.,  and give me some feedback on it, I would be grateful.

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