Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas
.... I know, I know, it's October!
But I'm in the mood to make Christmas gifts and decorations and when my hands are involved in those kinds of projects, my mind turns also to ideas for Christmas stories and articles. Right now my other blog Subversive Stitchers: Women Armed with Needles is full of Christmas cheer as well. I just posted a few favorite projects I found around the Internet and some I've made at home. Then I went to Suite 101 and posted even more ideas for quick and fun fabric projects to make in the article I submitted today. It has been a most enjoyable morning. I may dig out my Christmas music!
October is probably the final date to submit articles and essays for December's publication. In fact, it may be too late by now. But then again, there's always next year! Evergreen articles aren't just about trees. They are timeless topics that you can recycle year after year after year after....
Just about anything holiday related can be used again and again. The piece I just posted to Subversive Stitchers will be viewed each year and will draw people to my site. The one I wrote two years ago and posted to Subversive Stitchers has gotten hits seasonally ever since. And if there is any doubt that the topic 'Christmas' has a following -- just look at the stats of my other blog -- 78 hits within minutes after I posted it today. For my little blog, that's darn good! And the numbers keep growing and growing.
All of this to say, think evergreen when you write -- whether it be fiction or nonfiction.
What's more evergreen than A Christmas Carol? We all have our favorite stories for this joyous season -- maybe you could write the next one! From baking Christmas cookies, to making stockings to the ten best ever Christmas gifts or finding romance during the holidays or -- the topics are endless.
Or maybe you should write down family memories to bring out each year and recall Christmases past. Not everything you write must be for sale. I know some of you are gasping in amazement that I of all people would say that! But I'm in a nostalgic mood, missing my babies and extended family, so I'm not thinking lucrative markets. I'm thinking of preserving memories. And well, if they turn into fodder for a lucrative market -- so much the better!
Evergeen of course is not just for Christmas stories. Any topic that is relevant year after year should be added to your repertoire of recyclable stories. Hurricanes and preparedness are oldies but goodies here in Florida. Anything about childbirth, nursing, babies, pregnancy -- definitely reusable and resalable! Just think about questions you have asked each year. What to use to clean your tile floors? Tile is sold everyday, someone is new to the upkeep and will welcome the info. How to recycle? What to recycle? Well, you get the idea.
Don't just go green, which is a very popular topic these days -- go EVERGREEN!
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Think Evergreen! Not just for Christmas
Think Evergreen! Not just for Christmas
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