Writer's Dream Come True

Ever since word got out about a single Mum writing in cafes to save on heating bills selling her first book of a series to Scholastic, writers have renewed their faith in dreams-coming-true. "It could happen" is the mantra for just about every fiction writer no matter what genre they labor over. "If J.K. Rowlings can become a billionaire, why can't I have my dream, too?"

And yes, the author of the Harry Potter series is reported to be a billionaire, having sold 325 million copies in 64 languages. She's richer than the Queen of England and has almost as many houses, I mean castles. And that's just the first six books.

The final book "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" first print run was 12 million books in the U.S. Amazon had orders for 2 million.

Writers should also take note, or maybe singles mothers should. That during this whirlwind rise from the ashes of poverty, Rowlings also found true love and gave birth to two babies, plus don't forget her dear Jessica who sat by her mama in that cozy little cafe way back when poverty was a member of their family.

In her recent interview with USA Today, Rowlings gives writers more motivation to follow their hearts. When asked about the future, Rowlings said she has no plans. "I can never write anything as popular again," she said. "Lightning does not strike in the same place twice. I'll do exactly what I did with Harry — I'll write what I really want to write, and if it's something similar, that's OK, and if it's something very different, that's OK. I just really want to fall in love with an idea again, and go with that."

Great advice for all of us writers who think we'd like to contend with the success, the wealth, and yes, maybe even the death threats.

My copy of the latest book was in my mailbox when I came home from work today. I haven't started reading it yet. But for me, a writer, a dreamer, Rowlings story is as captivating as her fiction. I feel like that little boy in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory searching for the golden ticket each time I sit down to write. I look at the writing landscape and wonder what the next phenomenon will be -- or will there be anything like this again in my lifetime.

And like every other fiction writer I'm saying, "Yes! Yes! Let it happen again and let it be me!

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