Today we are closer to getting back to our normally scheduled lives after that near-direct lightning strike scrambled not only our electricity but shook up our lives a bit. Not as dramatic as the steam break in New York, our little emergency involved only us and the long line of service people we contacted.
Phone service has been restored, although I don't know if the telephone repair man hooked up the necessary line for the security service -- I guess we'll find out Saturday when the security tech arrives. We have one land line and our cell phone of course. Our cordless phones are forever silenced, fried. The DSL works then quits, then starts again, then flashes, then turns red and often requires a restart. I'm hoping this is temporary.
According to the Direct TV tech, our black boxes -- receivers -- were toast, too. Derrol was glad to see television reception restored -- too bad there isn't something worth watching!
The electrician checked out our wiring and it is all good. We are excited to find a reasonable, responsibile certifed electrician and are putting together a list of things we've been needing done, but didn't have anyone qualified to do them. Of course about all we saw was him test wires and change a lightbulb and reset a few outlets. But it was enough to bring the beloved toothbrush back to life.
The garage door opener isn't so easily fixed. It still remains mute (like the cordless phones) waiting to find out if we need to replace a little $20 transformer or the entire opener (for much MORE than $20). So far Sears is saying they don't have the part, that is when they answer the phone.
Our hot tub stands dead in the water, so to speak. The electrical hook up is fine, but the tub doesn't work. We're hoping it is as simple as a fuse blown. If you have ever dismantled a spa in an effort to find the fuses, you'll know that 'easy' may not be the appropriate description. Inexpensive may be what I am hoping for.
The adjuster sent by the insurance company climbed up on our roof and said how nice our chimney looks. But doesn't have an explanation for the leak that left spots in several areas of our ceiling. He suggests caulking around the roof vent, just in case.
And our security system continues to tick -- whether it is like a clock keeping track of the minutes since it was zapped, or a time bomb waiting to fly apart, I'm not sure.
Also in a totally unrelated topic, the SAQA Reverse Auction began July 16th. Studio Art Quilt Associates, Inc. (SAQA) asked members to create and donate One-Foot Squares. Members responded in record numbers. The squares and the rules of this fundraiser are available at: I want to point out the beautiful landscape square made by good friend and amazingly talented art quilt designer Eileen Doughty that can be seen at: and the prices are beginning to go down (thus the title 'Reverse Auction). It was at $500 earlier today. Several other prices are going down, too. It's a great opportunity to get some one-of-a-kind fabric art for yourself.
And for any of you wanting to read an educated, well-thought out blog concerning social, political and economic concerns, visit Barbara Ehrenreich's blog site. Her comments on the Medicare situation is worth the visit.
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