It's the year to amass financial gains, put daily affairs in order, and meet new friends. "You have a twinkle in your eye this year," says Cafe Astrology. Are you reading this Nick? (He's my favorite Cancerian.)
This date in history offers a diverse list of good and horrible events. The site Important Dates in History begins their information with the first women's magazine, The Ladies Mercury, published in London: 1693.
This is also the date when:
1922: The Newberry Medal was first presented. Hendrik van Loon,
recipient for his children's book The Story of Mankind. "Hendrik Willem van Loon's ability to convey history as a fascinating tale of adventure has endeared this book to countless readers and has attained it a unique place in publishing history." -- book description on Amazon.1929: The first color television demonstration. Herbert E. Ives demonstrated a mechanical color TV system of 50-lines from AT&T in NY to Washington DC.
1934: Federal Savings and Loan Association created.
1950: President Truman ordered the Air Force and Navy into the Korean Conflict.
That same year the U.S. sends 35 military advisers to Vietnam. Humor lists celebrities born on this date, including 1927, Captain Kangaroo (Bob Keeshan); actor Tobey McGuire (1975) and Julia Duffy (1951). Ernest Borgnine married Ethel Merman on this date in 1964 -- the marriage lasted 38 days.
James Smithson died on this day in 1829, leaving behind a curious bequest based upon the death of his only heir. When his heir did die, the U.S. received his whole estate which went to establishing The Smithsonian Institute, just as Mr. Smithson requested.
And on this day in 1939, one of the most important scenes in American film history was shot: "Frankly Scarlett, I don't give a damn." According to historians "Director Victor Fleming also shot the scene from Gone With the Wind using the alternate line, 'Frankly, my dear, I just don't care,' in case the film censors objected to the word 'damn.' The censors approved the movie but fined producer David O. Selznick $5,000 for including the curse."
Hopefully like Victor Fleming or Mr. Smithson or Hendrik van Loon, we'll create a little history, positive history, today. Something to better mankind and ourselves -- or at least something entertaining.