Happy Dancing Today

If you feel the earth shake, never fear, it is just me doing my happy dance.

I have several reasons today to be shaking my tailfeathers and most are related to writing successes. Not often do the planets align to give me several bits of good news in one day. Maybe it was the full moon, but I saw two of my writings posted online and two editors sent emails today to say, "Yes! I WILL buy your submission."

Happy Dancing! Happy Dancing!

My review of the fun and charming liturgical mystery The Alto Wore Tweed by Mark Schweizer is posted at Gumshoe Review: http://www.gumshoereview.com/php/Review-id.php?id=532

The author published through St. James Music Press, so the book may be difficult to find other than from his website: https://www.sjmpbooks.com/

Mark Schweizer and his protagonist Hayden Konig have such wonderful humor and I can't remember the last time I laughed out loud at a book. Portions of The Alto Wore Tweed had me laughing till I cried. And it is a first in a series with delightful titles like his most recent The Bass Wore Scales.

The Gumshoe Review is a delightful site to explore. It has many more books to recommend and the staff loves to discuss mystery in all of its many sub-genres.

My second piece of good news in print appears in the Home Forum section of The Christian Science Monitor. One of my essays that slipped easily from my pen and was my favorite from the moment it began to come together is online at: http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/0502/p19s01-hfes.html and is in the Monitor's print edition, too.

I have enjoyed working with this organization and its editors for several years and never fail to get a thrill out of seeing my work published in such a respectable and respected market. (The editor let me know today that she has accepted another essay for the Home Forum section, so more happy dancing!)

It seems like I rarely go very far from home to find the inspiration for an essay. For this "Pirouette of Man and Machine," I only ventured out to the road in front of my home to watch the road crew perform their ballet. It is a little different perspective on the road construction that usually elicits frustration and slow traffic.

I could go on and on singing the praises of this day. But I have assignments to work on. Nothing gets the endorphins pumping like a deadline.

Hope your day is filled with as much good news.

Happy Dancing Today Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: bombig dose